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Diverse Learners

Making Social Emotional Learning a Reality

The reality is never before in public schooling has social emotional learning (SEL) moved from neglection to professional reflection! Discover how to embed the sense of individuality and belonging to learning processes, academic expectations, and social engagement. 

3 Hours / Grades K-12 

*This session also meets the requirements of Effective Instruction

Down & Dirty: Differentiation

This crash course is designed to help educators reconceive notions about differentiated instruction by exploring multiple ways to assess different levels of readiness, learning preferences, and social skills for cooperative and flexible grouping.  Teachers will have ample opportunities to review, assess, and plan tiered instructional activities. 

6-12 Hours / Grades K-12


The Culturally Responsive Teacher

This session is designed to equip teachers with the know-how and "withitness" to create learning environments which appeal to culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Teachers will identify ways to increase their own cultural competence and incorporate the cultural capital of their students into instruction.  Finding inclusive ways to engage parents and community in building funds of knowledge is an essential building block of this practice. Additionally, teachers gain tech-savvy techniques for engaging students in critical questioning of the curriculum.

3-12 Hours  / Grades K-12 



The Culturally Responsive Leader

This interactive session is designed to equip educational leaders with the know-how and "withitness" to create culturally and linguistically diverse teaching and learning environments. With a focus on identifying  one's own cultural competence, leaders learn to harness the cultural capital of their learning community (e.g. teachers, students, parents, and partners). Using these understandings to promote culturally responsiveness, leaders look at policies, practices and programs that silently sustaining education inequities.

3-12 Hours  / Grades K-12 


Motivating Children in Poverty

This professional learning series is designed to foster an understanding of the value system of individuals living and learning in states of poverty. Teachers will gain expertise in applying the theory of human motivation to analyze and meet students' needs. After gaining an initial understanding of the learning differences impacted by poverty, participants will learn concrete strategies to

  • establish the relationships necessary for students' academic success

  • discipline students with dignity

  • improve and extend language and discourse patterns

  • build cognitive capacity for learning through mental models

3-12 Hours / Grades K-12

educational leadership matters
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